Ohrid practical tips How to get to Ohrid and where to stay in Ohrid?
How to get to Ohrid and where to stay in Ohrid? Is Ohrid safe? Is Ohrid cheap? In this post, I answer these questions and share even more Ohrid tips…
What to do in Ohrid. Is Ohrid worth visiting?
In Europe, there are 469 monuments inscribed on the World List of Culture and Art and 66 on the List of Nature (numbers counted together for Europe and North America).…
Sport volunteering what it is
Having spent over 8 years in sport volunteering, there is one thing I’m sure about. Sport events without volunteers wouldn’t be able to happen. Volunteers are an important part of…
What to see in Zadar. Plus many practical tips about Zadar.
Zadar is often overlooked in favour of the more popular Croatian cities of Split and Dubrovnik. Recently, though, it’s getting more and more popular, also due to the increased number…
Where to stay in Santorini
Santorini is not the cheapest place, that’s for sure. But it doesn’t mean you can’t organise more budget-friendly trips. You can get to Santorini on cheap airlines and get around…
Santorini, how to get there and get around?
Breathtaking views, shining white houses on the cliffs. A trip to Santorini is the dream of many travellers. And now, thanks to the increasing number of connections, it is becoming…
Where to go in Croatia and what to do there?
Simple questions: where to go in Croatia? What to do in Croatia? In some way, I got inspired to write this post by looking at many articles about Croatian trips.…
Sports volunteering, my story
Where did the idea for sports volunteering come from? What did I start with? Am I still contributing? What role do I like the most? Sometimes I do get questions…
Krk island in Croatia, what to see? How to get there? And a few more useful tips.
What to see on the island Krk in Croatia? Firstly, let me ask you: What do you associate Krk with in Croatia? With beaches, a long bridge, or maybe a…
Greek islands’ description. How to choose which Greek islands to visit?
There are more than 6000 islands and islets in Greece, from which 227 are inhabited. Somehow seems impossible to visit all of them… So you must choose one or few…